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Saturday, March 1, 2008

$4.00 A Gallon...Holy MOLY!!!

Today we heard gas may reach $4.00 a gallon by summer.  Now, we aren't math prodigies but that's 400 pennies 0r 40 dimes...hmmm maybe my children's piggy-banks hold a gallon or two worth of pocket change?

What does this have to do with customer loyalty programs you might ask?  Well, my dear bloggers discretionary spending drops when consumers have to decide between fuel and their favorite hoagie, latte or that nifty high definition Blu-Ray DVD player (I hear they're awesome, by the way.)

So, if consumer spending decreases, how do you keep your business moving forward?  The answer lies deep, ok it's not that deep, it is right under your nose...YOUR EXISTING CUSTOMERS!  Breath taking isn't it, hold the applause please...no really, we couldn't have done it without all the little people.  

Levity aside, your existing customers and their value to your business hold the key and by knowing who your most valuable customers are you can use that information to sent precise marketing messages.  If you are not segmenting customers you need to be!

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